Pickup & Drop Off Procedures

Please embrace our S.T.A.R. philosophy by being Safe School Community members to others while driving in our parking lot. We work hard to keep kids safe at all times while on campus. Thank you so much for your assistance in ensuring that all families follow these guidelines to keep our students safe.

Vista Verde students and parents practice “Safety First” at all times!

Developed in conjunction with the Irvine Police Department and the City of Irvine, the parking lot and traffic flow guidelines for Vista Verde are as follows. Some of the most important items are emphasized below:

  • Please PULL FORWARD FULLY along the yellow curb at all times.
  • Drop-off and pick-up times are much faster when cars use the full length of the yellow curb.
  • Las Lomas Park is available for parking to drop-off and pick-up—particularly for upper grade students (Grades 4-8) Grades K-3 should use Vista Verde parking lot for drop-off and pick-up. Younger siblings should be dropped off with older siblings.
  • The red curb is for emergency vehicles only – you may not park or drop-off along the red curb at any time.
  • The yellow curb is for active loading and unloading of students. The left lane is ONLY for passing or for people who need to park in the parking lot. No parking, pick-up, or drop-off – this lane is constantly moving.
  • If you have a child with a large musical instrument, please park in our parking lot or Las Lomas to assist them. You may not leave your car in the loading zone to collect the instrument.
  • Please consider car-pooling or walking to school – fewer cars, less gas expense, more time for you!
  • Model “Safety First” and PLEASE USE THE CROSSWALKS AT ALL TIMES during drop off and pick up times (in front of CDC, in front of the school, and at the Las Lomas parking lot).
  • Cooperate and follow the directions of our staff, student, and parent volunteers – they are assisting you to keep our children safe.
  • You may not park, drop-off or pick-up in the parking lanes inside the parking lot – use the parking stalls to park.

Your affirmation on our on-line registration page indicates that you have read this document and that you agree to follow the above parking lot guidelines and student drop off/pick up procedures.